Morph Terminology

Morph terminology:

Coloring Terms

Coloring Terms


No melanin. These animals are pale, sometimes colored red or pink due to the presence of the blood pigment hemoglobin. Albino snakes are amelanistic.


The color gradient from dark to light in the base color of many ball pythons. Blushing can occur on the dorsal, sides, and head.

Eye Color

Eye color in ball pythons can vary from the normal pitch black to red, green, and blue depending on the morph.


Lighter coloration on the sides coming up from the belly.


Reduced melanin. These animals have less black and/or brown color than a wild-type.


Absence of pigmentation. This is not the same as albinism.


The pigment responsible for black, brown, and yellow colors.

More info about morphs:

Morph Terminology