Popular Morphs

Other Co-Dominant Morphs


Bananas have bright, high-contrast colors of yellow, orange, and lavender. Many develop small black dots along their bodies as they age.


Cinnamons have a dark brown base and rich reddish-brown coloring that is offset by bronze colored alien heads and bronze rings outlined in black shadow. These rings can be heart shaped, similar to the shape of a cinnamon stick.

Super Cinnamons are a solid, dark brownish-red that fades with age to take on a more cocoa color or even a dusky gray-brown. They are completely patternless with a light, unmarked belly.


Fires (or Fireballs) are relatively normal-looking, with a reduction in both brown pigmentation and pattern. As such, a Fire has more tan coloring than a Normal, as seen in its coffee colored, thinly banded tan pattern. Their golden tones are especially satiny and their dark pattern elements feature warm, rich hues.

Super Fires, are Black-Eyed Leucistics, white with various shades of yellow spots along their spine and black pupils.


Pastels are much brighter in color than typical ball pythons. The Pastel gene intensifies yellow pigmentation to various degrees. When hatched, all pastels have faded heads but tend to darken up a bit as they mature.

Pastels have a normal pattern with a blushing brown base color and a clean white belly. Their eyes are a soft green color and they have white lips on a pale head.

Super Pastels are much brighter or lighter in color than typical Pastels. They usually retain the yellow coloring and considerably faded head. They have a more reduced pattern with extensive purplish blushing often called purple haze. They have an erratic pattern with some banding and more keyholes.


Spotnoses are so named because of the prominent circular spots on either side of their nostrils. Spotnoses display a pattern typical of ball pythons but with more alien heads and a more dramatic faded light brown spotting pattern on their head with a dark background.

Yellow Belly

Yellow Bellies have only subtle differences from Normals. They have a slightly yellowed, clear colored belly. Others look more dramatic with rich coloration and a speckled pattern bordering their belly. Otherwise, they appear totally normal.

When combined with other morphs Yellow Bellies intensify colors and create highly pigmented offspring.

The super form of the Yellow Belly gene is called the Ivory. This morph creates relatively patternless, peach-colored snakes with dark black eyes.

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Popular Morphs